Este libro de referencia sintetiza la experiencia y los conocimientos prácticos sobre los sistemas de implementación de protección social en países de todo el mundo, centrado especialmente en servicios...
Ce Manuel de référence se veut être une synthèse de l’ensemble des connaissances et des expériences acquises à travers le monde en matière de systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale, en mettant...
The Sourcebook synthesizes real-world experiences and lessons learned of social protection delivery systems from around the world, with a particular focus on social and labor benefits and services. It...
The development of Brazil’s modern social safety net is quite recent, and social assistance programs claim a relatively small share of resources of the broader social sector. A key feature of the Brazilian...
This paper reports on a rapid assessment of Malawi’s integrated social registry, known as the Unified Beneficiary Registry (UBR). The timing of the assessment was ripe given the upcoming round of continued...
This paper makes several contributions. First, it presents a ‘guidance note’ on the framework for Social Registries, anchoring the definition of these systems in their functions along the Delivery Chain...
Panama has experienced impressive and significant economic growth, emerging as one of the better performers in Central America in recent years and one of the fastest growing economies worldwide. From 2003...
Panama has experienced impressive and significant economic growth, emerging as one of the better performers in Central America in recent years and one of the fastest growing economies worldwide. From 2003...
Social safety nets in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region responded to protect people's incomes during the global recession, especially in countries where systems were developed before the crisis...
This report analyzes perceptions about Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) as portrayed and debated in free and independent press in Brazil. The motives behind the study are to contribute to an understanding...
Besides affecting the private sector, the current global economic downturn will likely have a far-reaching impact on government revenues around the world. As country budgets are squeezed tight, social...
Besides affecting the private sector, the current global economic downturn will likely have a far-reaching impact on government revenues around the world. As country budgets are squeezed tight, social...
This paper focuses on measuring the extent to which publicly subsidized transfers in Latin America and the Caribbean redistribute income. The redistributive power of 56 transfers in eight countries is...
The World Bank is carrying out a program of Analytic and Advisory Activities (the Labor AAA) focused on the interface between social protection programs and labor supply and productivity. This focus relates...
The World Bank is carrying out a program of Analytic and Advisory Activities (the Labor AAA) focused on the interface between social protection programs and labor supply and productivity. This focus relates...
This paper is one in a series of World Bank Working Papers that seeks to document the experience of Brazil's Bolsa Família Program. It highlights the key nuts and bolts of designing and implementing the...
This study measures the extent to which publicly-subsidized transfers in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) redistribute income. The redistributive power of 56 transfers in eight countries is measured...
Recognizing that redistribution is only one of many roles for social policy, the findings of this report reinforce the recommendations commonly made in the literature on social protection in Latin America...
A recent review of international experience finds that the median targeted program provides roughly 25 percent more resources to the poor than would random allocations. Nonetheless, the study also finds...
A recent review of international experience finds that the median targeted program provides roughly 25 percent more resources to the poor than would random allocations. Nonetheless, the study also finds...