This paper assesses the state of research and examines priorities for future work in the area of urbanization and growth. This is done by reviewing and summarizing the findings of five scoping papers covering...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
For a young German born in 1945 and growing up in Bavaria in the two decades after Second World War, the world was sharply divided into East and West and North and South. In many ways, the East-West divide...
This volume brings to public scrutiny and discussion one of several analytical tools, or research strategies, employed by sociologists and anthropologists to help shape the orientation, content, and ultimate...
FSU firms keep on providing social services. The price tag of Russia's organized crime. New currency boards come to the Balkans. Bulgaria in crisis. Vox populi -what do people in Central and Eastern Europe...
FSU firms keep on providing social services. The price tag of Russia's organized crime. New currency boards come to the Balkans. Bulgaria in crisis. Vox populi -what do people in Central and Eastern Europe...
The publication of this volume on urban public finance is timely. The book distills the lessons learned by the authors during many years of work. These lessons will be of great value for policymakers...
In the past few decades public sector activity has expanded greatly in many developing countries. This expansion has frequently stifled private initiative and market forces and has reduced the flexibility...
Interdependence of trade and public finance policy are important considerations in designing macroeconomic policy, public revenue policy, and public expenditure policy. A competitive real exchange rate...
The economic growth of the East Asian countries has outstripped that of most other developing countries during the last decades. The rapid expansion of trade in general, and of exports in particular, and...
The economic growth of the East Asian countries has outstripped that of most other developing countries during the last decades. The rapid expansion of trade in general, and of exports in particular, and...
This report presents a collection of studies on the Urban Finances of Bogota, Colombia. All four studies emphasize the importance of the institutional and political dimensions and constraints of urban...
The unprecedented rate of urban growth in developing nations has created massive new tasks for national and local policymakers. This study delineates the major problems of adapting to the growth of cities...
The rapid process of urbanization in many developing countries has given rise to concern regarding the costs of urbanization. Industrialization, population growth, and increases in per capita income, all...
The urban financial difficulties encountered by developing countries when confronted by rapid urbanization are analyzed. Data are derived from case studies of the urban finances of cities in India, Colombia...
The fiscal, financial, efficiency, and equity aspects of urbanization in developing countries are examined. Industrialization, population growth, and increases in per capita income tend to impose a rapidly...
The unprecedented rate of urban growth in developing nations has created massive new tasks for national and local policy makers. This paper, which was prepared as a background paper for World Development...
The operation of valorization programs in Bogota, Colombia is evaluated as a means of facilitating urban services provision in growing cities of developed countries. The major conceptual issues involving...
The trends of population and resource distribution in LDCs are examined, and appropriate spatial policy mixes for Colombia are identified. One of the primary concerns of public policy in many LDCs is the...