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  • Policy Note : Agriculture Risk Financing in Southern Africa (anglais)

    This policy note is provided as an output under the World Bank’s Regional Advisory Service for Southern Africa, ‘Developing a Regional Risk Financing Framework for Agriculture and Food Security’. A key...

    Type de document: Rapport Numéro du rapport: AUS0001748 Date du document: 23 juin 2020 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Lung,Felix,Stefan,Cristina,Arias Carballo,Diego,Holm-Nielsen,Niels B.,Maher,Barry Patrick

  • Kenya - Toward a national crop and livestock insurance program : summary of policy suggestions (Vol. 1 of 2) (anglais)

    At the request of the government of Kenya and under its guidance, a team of national and international experts conducted an appraisal of different agricultural insurance options for Kenya.This appraisal...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 105758 Date du document: 1 octobre 2015 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Clarke,Daniel Jonathan,Maher,Barry Patrick,Lung,Felix,Coll-Black,Sarah,Carpenter,Richard John,Chantarat,Sommarat,Sinah,James Muli,Stoppa,Andrea,Stutley,Charles,Mude,Andrew,Mbaka,Michael,Mahul,Olivier,Wagh,Smita,Ayuko,Kenneth,Ngari,Vincent