The COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the urban poor are often uncovered by social protection systems yet incredibly vulnerable to shocks. The urban sector is growing, with HHEs being the largest employer...
L’ agriculture est une activité de plus en plus risquée dans une grande partie du monde, y compris dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. La Banque mondiale a développé un cadre de gestion des risques...
Agriculture is an increasingly risky business in much of the world, including the West African region. The World Bank has developed an Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) framework that assesses risks in...
This policy note is provided as an output under the World Bank’s Regional Advisory Service for Southern Africa, ‘Developing a Regional Risk Financing Framework for Agriculture and Food Security’. A key...
At the request of the government of Kenya and under its guidance, a team of national and international experts conducted an appraisal of different agricultural insurance options for Kenya.This appraisal...
At the request of the government of Kenya and under its guidance, a team of national and international experts conducted an appraisal of different agricultural insurance options for Kenya.This appraisal...