The Solomon Islands’ Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) commissioned this Health Facilities Costing Study (‘the study’) to better understand how resources are used to deliver health services...
The authors assessed the burden of cancer on households’ out-of-pocket health spending, non-medical consumption, workforce participation, and debt and asset sales using data from a nationally representative...
In developing countries, the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) disease and risk factor burdens are shifting toward the poor. Treating chronic diseases can be expensive. In developing countries where generally...
This report contributes to the literature on the economic implications of non-communicable disease (NCDs) in developing countries by focusing on the case of India. First, the authors examine available...
Undernutrition imposes a staggering cost worldwide, both in human and economic terms. It is responsible for the deaths of more than 3.5 million children each year (more than one-third of all deaths among...
In this report author examine the distribution of public subsidies on health across different groups, classified by socioeconomic status, in India. An analysis of the distribution of these subsidies is...
This paper summarizes empirical findings from recent World Bank financed analysis on the use of health services by the poor in India (Mahal et al 2000) and some additional analysis conducted with the same...