This brief summarizes the giving children a better start: preschool attendance and school-age profiles in Uruguay for the period 1995. The author study the effect of pre-primary education on children's...
The study addresses the comparability of child labor estimates produced by different common household survey instruments. This question has important implications for credibility of published estimates...
The study assesses trends in children's involvement in employment and schooling in Andhra Pradesh over the eleven-year period from 1994 to 2005. Considerable progress was made in getting children out of...
In this paper, the authors investigate whether the differential evolution of child work across Brazilian states between 1980 and 2000 can be explained by their different patterns of specialization in industries...
The authors study the effect of pre-primary education on children's subsequent school outcomes by exploiting a unique feature of the Uruguayan household survey (ECH) that collects retrospective information...
This paper uses micro data from the Brazilian Pesquisa Nacional Por Amostra de Domicilios (PNAD) between 1981 and 2002 to ascertain the role that local labor demand proxies by male adult employment in...
Tanzania, together with many other Sub-Saharan countries (see Guarcello and others 2005), suffers from a severe youth unemployment and inactivity problem in urban areas (Mjema 1997). Despite sustained...
The authors assess the effects of private capital and independent regulatory agencies on telecommunications performance by using cross-country panel data from 1990 to 2003. In general, they find that having...
While youth issues are subject of growing attention in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region, data for indicators relating specifically to youth employment remain scarce in most SSA countries. There is therefore...