In this issue: Special report -Client power: making services work for the poor. The Path to Education: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Making Services Work for Poor People -guest editorial. Voice and Accountability...
Type de document: Bulletin d’information
Numéro du rapport: 33746
Date du document: 1 mars 2004
Mode de publication: Disclosed
Auteur: Ahmad,Junaid Kamal,Duflo,Esther Caroline,Giusti, Daniele,Glennerster,Rachel,Goetz, Anne Marie,Jenkins, Rob,Kremer,Michael Robert,Lochoro, Peter,Maniple, Everd,Martens, Bertin,Mogedal, Sigrun,Odaga, John,Paul,Samuel,Petesch,Patti L.,Ramphele,Mamphela,Reinikka,Ritva S.,Savage,David Thomas James,Srivastava,Vivek