The main objective of this report is to provide the new Government of Ghana with recommendations on the actions needed to improve the performance of Ghana's energy sector. The report focuses on the power...
The purpose of the current flagship report is to address energy access and related developmental issues in East Asia Pacific (EAP) that so far have received less attention compared to the macro energy...
This report focuses on East Asia's sustainable energy development in its middle-income countries: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. This report suggests the strategic...
This report demonstrates that a "climate-smart" energy strategy is possible for countries in the East Asia region, with support from the international community. In the past three decades, the East Asia...
The level of electrification in sub-Saharan Africa is low, with less than 10 percent of the rural households having access to electricity. One of the key barriers to accelerating access is the high cost...
Twelve World Bank Group projects provide basic "energy services" such as lighting, radio, television, and operation of small appliances to rural households without access to electricity grids through the...
The Multilateral Fund (the Fund) for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (The Protocol) is mandated to meet, on a grant or concessional basis, the agreed...
In recent times, the application of standard cost-benefit analysis to development projects has led to appraisals is biased upwards, and is also poor predictors of the actual returns from these projects...