Female innovators raise fewer resources from investors, even when their ventures are similar to those of all-male teams. Efforts to mitigate the disparities have typically focused on changing how founders...
Adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa have some of the highest rates of intimate partner violence across the globe. This paper evaluates the impact of a randomized controlled trial that offers females a goal...
This paper evaluates different policy instruments to increase demand for gender equality in formal land ownership among married couples in rural Uganda. The authors do so in the context of a land titling...
These results show how a psychological mindset training targeted to women farmers can lead to greater investment and entrepreneurship, helping their households transition out of subsistence farming and...
More secure rights can increase a farmer’s incentive to invest in their land, boosting productivity, and thus reducing the need to clear more land. Land tenure insecurity can lead a farmer to over-farm...
In Western Uganda, women farmers and their households were facing widespread agricultural and non-agricultural income shocks in September 2020, indicating a protracted crisis. To cope with these shocks...
In Tanzania and Indonesia, we promoted the expansion of mobile savings accounts among women micro-entrepreneurs and provided them with business related training. In doing so, we simultaneously relaxed...
This brief has key messages through an experiment in Uganda, we find that empowering adolescent girls triggers a surge in their brothers’ competitiveness.Understanding preferences for competition is important...