Advancements in digital technology are impacting how firms operate, creating new business models and opportunities, and affecting workforce needs and occupational profiles. Such rapidly evolving job market...
A substantial literature studied the capacity of safety nets to expand automatically during labor market shocks; however, less is known about the dynamics of social assistance when labor market conditions...
This report argues that for Brazil’s development agenda to regain steam it will need to better mobilize all Brazilians. Indeed, a more inclusive Brazil will mean a more prosperous Brazil - the virtuous...
In 2022, Brazil celebrated its 200th anniversary. What will Brazil celebrate at its 220th anniversary, in 2042? Following the recent elections there is a window of opportunity for reforms that will shape...
Bolsa Familia (BF) is one of the earliest established poverty-targeted conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs in the world, and, over time, it has experienced a large and heterogenous churn in beneficiaries...
The purpose of the note is to inform the design of policies and instruments that can enhance labor market outcomes of Brazil’s poor and vulnerable populations. Global and regional experiences show that...
Brazil has made significant advances in terms of reducing poverty and inequality since its return to democracy in the late 1980s. The expansion of social protection policies played an important role in...
With the advent of Coronavirus disease (COVID), Brazil has come out with one of the fastest and most generous social protection responses globally: the Auxílio Emergencial (AE). Being a vast country marked...
Auxilio Emergencial (AE) was launched in April 2020 to protect both, the chronic and transient poor affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, limited to those not already covered by other social protection transfers...
Auxílio Emergencial (AE) was conceived to be a temporary program, with an expected duration of only three months. However, the benefit was reissued in 3 versions (each with its legal diploma) which share...
Esta nota resumo os principais achados da Nota Técnica do Banco Mundial (2021) financiada pelo Foreign Commonwealth Development Office: Seleção de Beneficiários do Auxilío Emergencial: Estratégias de Cadastramento...
Cette courte note résume les principales conclusions de l'étude de la Banque mondiale de 2021, financée par le Foreign Commonwealth Development Office : Auxilio Emergencial : Leçons Tirées de Mesures Prises...
Esta nota resume os principais achados da nota técnica do Banco Mundial (2022), financiada pelo Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO): Desafios e Potencialidades para Implementar Respostas de Proteção...
O Auxílio Emergencial foi concebido para ser um programa temporário, com duração prevista de apenas três meses. Contudo, o benefício foi reeditado em 3 versões (cada qual com diploma legal próprio) as...
Cette note résume les principales conclusions de la note technique de la Banque Mondiale (2021), financée par le Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) : Sélection des Bénéficiaires de l'Auxílio Emergencial...
O Auxílio Emergencial (AE) foi um dos programas de proteção social mais ágeis, robustos e duradouros implantados por países em desenvolvimento. Tendo atingido até 55,6% da população se considerados beneficiários...