This report was prepared in 2019 and completed in February 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak was largely limited to China. Since then the outbreak has spread rapidly around the world, becoming a pandemic...
The overall objective of the Croatia Clusters and global value chain (GVC) Assessment project is to support the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Crafts (MoEEC) in improving Croatia’s...
As a result of the extensive security restrictions, growth in the West Bank and Gaza in the past has become dependent on aid contributions through the Palestinian Authority (PA). However, sustainable and...
The authors explore the links between the investment climate and firm-level productivity and attempt to identify which dimensions of the investment climate matter most for productivity. Their analysis...
For Mozambique to achieve its ambitious poverty reduction goals, it must maintain an annual growth rate of 8 percent over the next seven years. While this is within the range of recent performance, sustaining...
The Nigerian economy has performed poorly since the late 1970s, resulting in stagnation and increasing poverty. Gross national product (GNP) per capita in 1999 was US$300, lower than the level attained...
Despite fiscal and administrative reforms pursued by the Government of Madagascar since the mid 1980s, to prod economic and financial liberalization, contributing to steady GDP growth rates, manufacturing...
Malgré les réformes fiscales et administratives menées par le gouvernement malgache depuis le milieu des années 1980 en faveur d’une libéralisation économique et financière, qui a contribué à la croissance...
Since the mid-1980s the Malagasy government has pursued fiscal and administrative reform along with economic and financial liberalization. These efforts have contributed to steady GDP growth rates since...
This report on the survey of private manufacturing enterprises in Nepal presents the private sector's assessment of the prevailing business environment, and other matters related to efficient business...