This report demonstrates that violence in and around schools negatively impacts educational outcomes, and society pays a heavy price as a result. Cost-benefit analyses suggest that implementing interventions...
This study was undertaken within the context of the Safe to Learn global initiative dedicated to ending violence against children in and around schools. The initiative set out in a five-point call to action...
More than one billion people may experience some form of disability. Of those, up to one in five may experience significant disabilities. Individuals with disabilities have on average worse socioeconomic...
This report documents the challenge of achieving inclusive education in Africa. Primary school completion rates are 10 percentage points lower for girls with disabilities than for girls without disabilities...
Each day, tens of thousands of girls worldwide are married while still children, often before they may be physically and emotionally ready to become wives and mothers. Child marriage, defined as marriage...
The international community is increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage on a wide range of development outcomes. Ending child marriage is now part of the Sustainable Development Goals...
While the proportion of girls marrying as children is declining globally, this decline is not occurring in all countries or taking place equitably within countries, nor is it happening at a sufficiently...