Türkiye’s economic growth in the last two decades has been remarkably rapid and inclusive, raising household incomes and bringing millions of people out of poverty. Growth has been broad based and has...
The Turkish Cypriot economy (TCe) has struggled to recover since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. With a contraction of 16.2 percent in GDP in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic first took...
This paper evaluates the impact of an employment subsidy scheme covering employers’ social contribution costs on registered employment in small firms in Turkey. It utilizes a rich, firm-level administrative...
Inflation is typically measured using aggregate price indices that are based on bundles of goods and services sold or consumed by the “median” agent. In the case of households, in particular, budget shares...
COVID-19 (coronavirus) has taken a heavy toll on Turkey, as it has across much of the world. New estimates of total COVID-19 cases indicate that the epidemic grew rapidly over November and into December...
The special topic of this edition of the Macroeconomic Monitoring report focuses on the TC administration’s ‘public’ financial support to the agriculture sector. Due to the Turkish lira depreciation, the...
Despite an initial surge in COVID-19 cases, cross country data suggests that Turkey containedrelatively quickly the spread and worst health effects of the virus. As in other countries, however, continued...
Fiscal policy is central to not only macroeconomic stability and growth, but also to poverty and inequality reduction. This paper provides the most comprehensive assessment of the distributional incidence...
According to the United Nations a population census is the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analyzing and publishing or disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining...
The Turkish economy has experienced major external adjustments over the past 12 months, including declining current account imbalances, reduced external debt of banks, and a recovery in portfolio flows...
This report profiles poverty and assesses the performance of the social assistance (SA) system in the Turkish Cypriot community (TCc). The aim of this report is to provide information and evidence-based...