Since the early 1990s, substantial resources and efforts have been spent on implementing market-oriented electricity reforms in developing countries. While there are important sectoral, economic, and social...
Driven by ideology, economic reasoning, and early success stories, vast amounts of financial resources and effort have been spent on reforming infrastructure industries in developing countries. It is therefore...
The report provides a diagnostic assessment of recent, ongoing structural and, regulatory reforms in Hungary's infrastructure sectors: electricity, oil and gas, and telecommunications, and, identifies...
The restructuring and privatization of the U.K. electricity supply - was it worth it? by David M. Newbery and Michael G. Pollitt. A retrospective on the Mexican toll road program (1989-94), by Jeff Ruster...
The electricity supply industry in England and Wales was under public ownership from 1948 to 1990. For most of this period, the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) operated all generation and transmission...
The author argues that since competition is more effective than regulation in promoting efficiency, separating the potentially competitive parts of the industry from the natural monopoly parts that must...
Restructuring regulation of the railroad industry. A template for power reform. Lessons from power sector reform in England and Wales. Private power financing from project finance to corporate finance...
Charging for roads. The value-added tax and developing countries. Indexation and stabilization : theory and experience. Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in Africa. Urban labor markets and development.
Tax policy has far-reaching implications for economic development and public administration. This book, which presents a modern theory of public finance, brings together many of the most distinguished...
The analysis of implicit contracts between risk-averse workers and risk-neutral firms must recognize that: (i) the contract is implicit, not explicit; (ii) it may only be conditioned on observable variables;...
Most studies of commodity price stabilization assume that all agents behave competitively. However, many commodities suitable for stockpiling are produced by countries with a significant share of the world...
This paper studies the impact of a futures market on a cash market in which there is a dominant producer and a competitive fringe of price-taking firms. It is shown that a futures market has two effects:...
The analysis of commodity price stabilization is extended to deal with imperfectly competitive commodity markets. The paper summarizes the analysis of the case for international price stabilization in...