Ngân hàng Thế giới đã và đang hỗ trợ Chính phủ Việt Nam (Chính phủ), thông qua Ủy ban An toàn Giao thông Quốc gia (NTSC), thành lập Đài quan sát an toàn đường bộ quốc gia (NRSO) cho Việt Nam, cải thiện...
Dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde, les lacunes en matière de données ou de qualité des données compromettent l'élaboration de politiques de sécurité routière fondées sur des données probantes. Si...
In many countries around the world, deficiencies in data or data quality impair evidence-based road safety policy making. While many countries collect road safety data, the collection is not necessarily...
This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Government of Vanuatu's road safety management capacity to support its plans to improve road safety outcomes...
The World Bank has been assisting the government of Viet Nam (GoVN), through the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), to establish a National Road Safety Observatory (NRSO) for Viet Nam, improve road...
This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Government of Samoa’s road safety management capacity to support its plans to improve road safety outcomes...
This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Solomon Island Government road safety management capacity in order to support the country’s development...