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  • Guiding Social Protection Targeting Through Satellite Data in São Tomé and Príncipe (anglais)

    Social safety net programs focus on a subset of the population, usually the poorest and most vulnerable. However, in most developing countries there is no administrative data on relative wealth of the...

    Type de document: Document de travail (série numérotée) Numéro du rapport: 177340 Date du document: 1 octobre 2022 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Fisker,Peter Simonsen,Gallego-Ayala,Jordi Jose,Malmgren Hansen,David,Pave Sohnesen,Thomas,Murrugarra,Edmundo

  • Consumption Subaggregates Should Not Be Used to Measure Poverty (anglais)

    Frequent measurement of poverty is challenging because measurement often relies on complex and expensive expenditure surveys that try to measure expenditures on a comprehensive consumption aggregate. This...

    Type de document: Article de revue Numéro du rapport: 186293 Date du document: 6 septembre 2021 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Christiaensen,Luc,Ligon,Ethan,Pave Sohnesen,Thomas

  • Should Consumption Sub-Aggregates Be Used to Measure Poverty ? (anglais)

    Frequent measurement of poverty is challenging, as measurement often relies on complex and expensive expenditure surveys that try to measure expenditures on a comprehensive consumption aggregate. This...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS9312 Date du document: 1 juillet 2020 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Christiaensen,Luc,Ligon,Ethan,Pave Sohnesen,Thomas

  • Towards a More Effective and Fiscally Sustainable Public Sector for Ukraine : Second Public Finance Review (anglais)

    This Second Programmatic Public Finance Review (PFR-2) supports Ukraine in implementing its ongoing ambitious structural reform agenda to identify fiscal savings and to increase the effectiveness of public...

    Type de document: Rapport Numéro du rapport: 131985 Date du document: 8 novembre 2018 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Ungerer,Christoph T F,Golovach,Anastasiia,Piontkivska,Iryna,Sondergaard,Lars M.,Brandt,Kasper,Pave Sohnesen,Thomas,Zhao,Feng,Doroshenko,Olena,Koziel,Anna,Umapathi,Nithin,Nithin,Ruggeri Laderchi,Caterina,Zhukovskyi,Roman,Sluchynskyy,Oleksiy A.,Smolyar,Yuliya,Proskurovska,Svetlana I.,Shcherbyna,Iryna,Capita,Irina,Mastruzzi,Massimo,Matytsin,Mikhail,Laboy,Leah,Ponomarenko,Hanna

  • Small area estimation of child undernutrition in Ethiopian woredas (anglais)

    Reducing child undernutrition is a key social policy objective of the Ethiopian government.Despite substantial reduction over the last decade and a half, child undernutrition is still high; with 48 percent...

    Type de document: Article de revue Numéro du rapport: 123246 Date du document: 14 avril 2017 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Pave Sohnesen,Thomas,Ambel,Alemayehu A.,Fisker,Peter Simonsen,Andrew,Colin,Khan,Qaiser Mahmood

  • Is random forest a superior methodology for predicting poverty ? an empirical assessment (anglais)

    Random forest is in many fields of research a common method for data driven predictions. Within economics and prediction of poverty, random forest is rarely used. Comparing out-of-sample predictions in...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS7612 Date du document: 18 mars 2016 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Pave Sohnesen,Thomas,Stender,Niels

  • Is random forest a superior methodology for predicting poverty? : an empirical assessment (anglais)

    Random forest is in many fields of research a common method for data driven predictions. Within economics and prediction of poverty, random forest is rarely used. Comparing out-of-sample predictions in...

    Type de document: Document de travail (série numérotée) Numéro du rapport: 125655 Date du document: 1 mars 2016 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Pave Sohnesen,Thomas,Stender,Niels

  • Small area estimation of child malnutrition in Ethiopian woredas (anglais)

    Reducing child undernutrition is a key social policy objective of the Ethiopian government. Despite substantial reduction over the past decade and a half, child undernutrition is still high. With 48 percent...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS7581 Date du document: 29 février 2016 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Pave Sohnesen,Thomas,Ambel,Alemayehu A.,Fisker,Peter Simonsen,Andrews,Colin,Khan,Qaiser Mahmood

  • Mozambique then and now : an atlas of socio-economic statistics - 1997-2007 (anglais)

    It is well known that Mozambique is characterized by wide variations in socio-economic indicators across provinces. According to available statistics, such differences have decreased in recent years. There...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 87733 Date du document: 1 décembre 2012 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Adriano, Antonio,Chipembe,Cassiano Soda,Covele,Paulo Alberto,Molini,Vasco,Nieves,Andrea Heloise,Nucifora,Antonio,Pave Sohnesen,Thomas

  • Bulgaria : the impact of school closures on dropout rates (anglais)

    This note sums up results and lessons learned from an impact assessment of school closures on dropout rates in Bulgaria. The assessment was undertaken jointly by the Government of Bulgaria's Impact Evaluation...

    Type de document: Autre étude en matière d’éducation Numéro du rapport: 70575 Date du document: 1 janvier 2010 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Schady,Norbert Rudiger,Sondergaard,Lars M.,Bodewig,Christian,Pave Sohnesen,Thomas

  • Patient satisfaction, doctor effort, and interview location : evidence from Paraguay (anglais)

    To examine the relationship between patient satisfaction and doctor performance, the authors observed 2,271 interactions between 292 doctors and their patients in 98 clinics and hospitals in Paraguay and...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS4086 Date du document: 1 décembre 2006 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Das,Jishnu,Pave Sohnesen,Thomas