In January 2015, Malawi experienced some of the most devastating flooding in its history. In the aftermath, the Government of Malawi conducted a post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA), with support from...
The ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine has resulted in instability and insecurity, heavily impacting the Ukrainian people with devastating social and economic consequences. Beyond the significant losses...
Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and at the center of the Pacific cyclone belt, Vanuatu is exposed to one of the world’s highest levels of natural disaster risk. Following the destructive Tropical Cyclone...
The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable nations in the world to natural hazards. Based on the government-led Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) following the devastating 2009 typhoons, the World...
Indonesia is among the top thirty five countries with high mortality risks due to several natural hazards. Forty percent of the population is at risk, representing more than ninety million lives. The government...
Islands in the Eastern Caribbean are highly vulnerable to natural disasters and climate related hazards and play a significant role in stunting the economic growth and development goals of these countries...
Ethiopia suffers from a long history of drought due to increasing dependency on rain-fed agriculture and years of extremely poor rainfall. The aftermath of drought weighs heavily on Ethiopians. The program...
Nepal is highly vulnerable to natural hazards, including earthquakes. In April and May 2015, two high magnitude earthquakes rocked the Kathmandu Valley, claiming nearly 8,800 lives. Following the initial...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been affected by 388 disasters in the past 35 years. The number of natural disaster in the region has nearly tripled since 1980. In response, the Global...
In the Pacific Island nation of Samoa, tropical storms often cause devastating damage to homes, infrastructure, and communities. Following the powerful Tropical Cyclone Evan that swept across the island...
Since 2000, flood and drought events have cumulatively affected more than 13 million people across Sri Lanka. Regular flooding, drought, and landslides are natural hazards that threaten the long-term growth...
Metropolitan Lima is subject to frequent seismic activity that can damage critical infrastructure such as schools and threaten the lives of schoolchildren. In Lima, more than 64 percent of schools are...
Panama is highly vulnerable to natural hazards, such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, windstorms, wildfires, and storm surges, which threaten the country's infrastructure and economic assets. The Government...
The Pacific Island region is highly vulnerable to natural disasters and climate-related hazards, costing some countries up to an average of 6.6 percent gross domestic product (GDP) every year. In response...
This IFC SmartBook is a compilation of sixteen IFC SmartLessons that presents practical lessons learned by staff from across the IFC and the World Bank on approaches for engaging in agriculture that have...
The Ukraine Investment Climate (IC) project and the Sustainable Business Advisory (SBA) food safety project in Ukraine formed a partnership-one that has led to tangible results in the form of burdensome...
Working closely with the client, the tax department of Lao PDR, and World Bank colleagues, the Investment Climate Advisory Services team designed and rolled out a multifaceted campaign to introduce a new...
Strategic communications is used to build support and local ownership for reform initiatives while diffusing stakeholder opposition. It addresses the critical 'people' side of the reform process by fostering...
The project, a joint initiative of the investment climate department and International Finance Corporation (IFC) advisory services in the Middle East and North Africa, was launched in response to the Yemeni...