The World Bank team built on a report, which reviewed the situation in the water sector in Romania, with a focus on compliance with EU water legislation and the inclusion of the poor. The diagnostic acknowledged...
Type de document: Rapport
Numéro du rapport: 169040
Date du document: 31 octobre 2021
Mode de publication: Disclosed
Auteur: Kolev,Ivaylo Hristov,Fagarasan,Adina,Buteica,Alexandru Cosmin,Charalambous,Charalambos Bambos,Kingdom, Bill,Rakedjian,Bruno Gil,Kovatcheva,Dessislava Nikolaeva,Oliveira, Diogo Faria de,Ionita, Gabriel,Dimova-Boykinova,Galina Markova,Ribarova,Irina Slavova