Competition from commercial banks is prompting microfinance institutions in urban areas ofPeru and other Latin American nations to provide more service to lower-income groups. Wherehigher-income clients...
Private businesses and investors can create markets and accelerate growth for low-incomecommunities in emerging markets. In doing so, they benefit from estimates of poverty in thetargeted market segments...
The extractive industry, that consists of any operations that remove metals, mineral and aggregates from the earth, is capital-intensive and presents opportunities for transformational impacts by creating...
The performance of the Simple Poverty Scorecard is compared against the performance of established regression-based estimators. All estimates are benchmarked against observed poverty status based on household...
The performance of the simple poverty scorecard is compared against the performance of established regression-based estimators. All estimates are benchmarked against observed poverty status based on household...
This report investigates the poverty outreach of 14 microfinance institutions (MFI) across six Latin American countries: Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. It uses information...
This report seeks to evaluate social mobility for Mexican undergraduates from Laureate institutions, a private university system, specifically evaluating the effect of a Laureate education on both income...
Laureate universities offer higher education degrees in the Mexican context, an environment where there is a significant, unmet demand for college degrees and yet, private universities face a highly competitive...
Sound technical knowledge is important. To deliver outcomes for citizens one need to combine that technical expertise with on the ground delivery know-how. Relentlessly focusing on the outcomes, deliberately...
The objective of this strategic framework is to mainstream citizen engagement in World Bank Group (WBG)-supported policies, programs, projects, and advisory services and analytics to improve their development...
The World Bank Group has a unique opportunity to match the increases in financing for agriculture with a sharper focus on improving agricultural growth and productivity in agriculture-based economies...
The World Bank Group has a unique opportunity to match the increases in financing for agriculture with a sharper focus on improving agricultural growth and productivity in agriculture-based economies...
This evaluation assesses the outcomes of World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) development support to the West Bank and Gaza for the period 2001-09. It covers the programs of the World Bank - International Bank for...
This report examines whether International Finance Corporation (IFC), over the period from July 1998 to December 2007: (i) defined a relevant and appropriate strategy for helping Nigeria tackle its most...