This report presents the context and findings emerging from the application of a new assessment tool for identification and was progressively developed as part of a multi-actor platform, including dedicated...
This note describes the innovative experience generated from this request: a country-led Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA). The project was designed to transfer capacity on how to measure distributional...
This paper states that the reasons that children and adolescents are not enrolled in school can be identified and classified into three major categories: (a) economic, associated with family poverty, the...
The note highlights the need to establish an accurate monitoring and evolution (M&E) system for the Plan de Equidad (PE) that combines monitoring and evaluation with social accountability and citizens'...
This study provides an overview of how World Bank-financed policy-based loans (both structural adjustment loans and Development Policy Lending's) (DPLs) have supported social accountability approaches...
This study provides an overview of how World Bank-financed policy-based loans (both structural adjustment loans and Development Policy Lending's) (DPLs) have supported social accountability approaches...
As one of the pillars of poverty reduction, empowerment has become a critical component of Bank operations, and is demonstrating its impact for development effectiveness. The fundamentals of empowerment...
A document review of development policy lending projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, approved in fiscal years (FY) 2000-03 at the World Bank, reveals increasing civil society involvement...
A document review of development policy lending projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, approved in fiscal years (FY) 2000-03 at the World Bank, reveals increasing civil society involvement...
Ce rapport dresse le bilan des relations récentes entre la Banque mondiale et les organisations de la société civile (OSC), c.-à-d. les organisations non gouvernementales et celles à but non lucratif...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
ESSD: Community driven development anchor now firmly established. Environment: latest public opinion on the environment now available. The environment strategy consultations in San Francisco. Critical...