This report presents a framework for strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of regulation of forestry and related sectors. It strives to identify and reduce regulatory burdens on private firms...
This report is the result of research and analysis undertaken as technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, delivered by the World Bank Governance team in collaboration...
While Iraq is a middle-income (IBRD) country it faces significant challenges which are commonly found in low income countries. Its economy also remains dependent on hydrocarbons and revenue from these...
This report - the first phase of a programmatic Iraq country economic memorandum (CEM) is structured around the themes of revenue management and economic diversification. These themes accord with the economic...
While Iraq is a middle-income country it faces challenges which are more commonly found in low income countries. These include dependence on one primary commodity (crude oil); significant infrastructure...
Regulatory reform and competition policy are two important and inter-related areas of regulatory policy and public administration. Both can play a key role in improving the quality of regulation, and creating...
This report is an output of the Better Regulation for Growth Program between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and IC, the Investment Climate...
The report is organized as follows: the executive summary (I) pulls together all major conclusions and recommendations of the report. The following five sections then focus on key requirements of any successful...
This report is a brief review of the Danish government's 2001-2010 administrative burden reduction programs. The report is organized as follows. The executive summary: (i) pull together all major conclusions...