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  • Water in Circular Economy and Resilience (WICER) (anglais)

    Rethinking urban water through the circular economy and resilience lenses offers an opportunity to transform the urban water sector and deliver water supply and sanitation services in a more sustainable...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 163924 Date du document: 15 septembre 2021 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Delgado Martin,Anna,Rodriguez,Diego Juan,Amadei,Carlo Alberto,Makino,Midori

  • Marine Pollution in the Caribbean : Not a Minute to Waste (anglais)

    The economic prosperity and sustainable development of the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR), and in particular Small Island Developing States (SIDS), greatly depend on the wealth of resources provided by the...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 135647 Date du document: 1 mars 2019 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Diez,Sylvia Michele,Patil,Pawan G.,Morton,John,Rodriguez,Diego Juan,Vanzella,Alessandra,Robin,David,Maes,Thomas,Corbin,Christopher