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  • Valuing mortality reductions in India : a study of compensating wage differentials (anglais)

    Conducting cost-benefit analyses of health and safety regulations requires placing a dollar value on reductions in health risks, including the risk of death. In the United States, mortality risks are often...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS2078 Date du document: 31 janvier 1999 Mode de publication: Auteur: SIMON, NATHALIE B.,Cropper,Maureen L.,Alberini,Anna,Arora, Seema

  • The health effects of air pollution in Delhi, India (anglais)

    The authors report the results of a time-series study of the impact of particulate air pollution on daily mortality in Delhi. They find: a) A positive, significant relationship between particulate pollution...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS1860 Date du document: 31 décembre 1997 Mode de publication: Auteur: Cropper,Maureen L.,SIMON, NATHALIE B.,Alberini,Anna,Sharma, P. K.

  • Valuing the health effects of air pollution (anglais)

    It is known that high levels of air pollution are bad for health and can cause premature death in rapidly growing cities. A cost-benefit analysis of air pollution is necessary for a rough estimate in reducing...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 17846 Date du document: 30 avril 1996 Mode de publication: Auteur: Cropper,Maureen L.,SIMON, NATHALIE B.