Esta nota describe los principales hallazgos descriptivos en relación con el envío de remesas por parte de la población migrante y refugiada reciente en Chile, a partir de la Encuesta Nacional de Migración...
Si bien los niveles de participación laboral, empleo y trabajo asalariado de las personas migrantes y refugiadas en Chile son altos en comparación a los de la población chilena, se evidencia un problema...
Esta nota presenta un análisis de la encuesta CASEN 2020 en Pandemia para identificar posibles brechas en indicadores de pobreza y hacinamiento entre la población extranjera residente en Chile y la población...
Esta nota aborda las actitudes hacia la inmigración en Chile y las experiencias de la población migrante, así como la evidencia vinculada a las creencias sobre los efectos de la migración en el mercado...
This study uses the 2020 Census to explore the determinants of interstate migration in Mexico between 2015 and 2020 and the earnings gains from migration. The study analyzes both spatial characteristics...
Violence against women (VAW) prevents their full participation in society, limits their access to education and economic participation, and hinders efforts to achieve gender equality overall. Thus, VAW...
Intimate partner violence is among the most common forms of violence against women. In Chile, one in four women who have been in a partner relationship report having experienced some type of partner violence...
In 2015, a large share of Egypt's population was either poor (27.8 percent) or not poor but vulnerable to falling into poverty (an additional 28.7percent); most of the poor and vulnerable lived in the...
This report analyzes issues related to international migration in Armenia and its impact on Armenian households’ welfare. The report uses microdata coming from two recent household surveys, the 2017 Russian-Armenian...
Roma women are one of the most deprived groups in Europe, as they suffer a double layer of exclusion: as women, and as members of Europe´s largest ethnic minority. Although there are no reliable data on...