Whether it’s hand hygiene, physical distancing, disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks, or reaching out to protect the most vulnerable, behavior change has a key role to play in tackling the COVID-19 (coronavirus)...
Included in this issue: Latin videos Contest 2007. Stories of Sanitation. Video of Peruvian "Action Aid" award. Creating markets for the poor. The "alternative solution for Sanitation." The draft for a...
This study analyzes different approaches to rural water supply delivery. It seeks to: i) clarify what is meant by demand-responsiveness both in theory and in practice, ii) assess the degree of demand-responsiveness...
This study found that employing a demand-responsive approach at the community level significantly increases the likelihood of water system sustainability. However, it also found that even projects that...
This study found that employing a demand-responsive approach at the community level significantly increases the likelihood of water system sustainability. However, it also found that even projects that...
Cette étude a révélé que l’adoption d’une approche répondant à la demande à l’échelon communautaire augmente de manière significative la probabilité que les systèmes d’approvisionnement en eau soient durables...
This study documents the results of the Yacupaj pilot project conducted in Bolivia. Its objective was to design and test strategies for delivering services to the dispersed rural population of the Altiplano...
This study documents the results of the Yacupaj pilot project conducted in Bolivia. Its objective was to design and test strategies for delivering services to the dispersed rural population of the Altiplano...
This report is part of the overall strategy of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and World Bank water supply and sanitation program to document community management approaches world-wide and...