In response to a request from the Government of Egypt, the World Bank undertook the analysis of selected sectoral issues in education and health. The objective of the analytical task was to inform policies...
Type de document: Document de travail
Numéro du rapport: 113973
Date du document: 1 juin 2016
Mode de publication: Disclosed
Auteur: Demarco,Gustavo C.,Wodon,Quentin T.,Ersado,Lire,Evans,Brooks Fox,Male,Chata,Onagoruwa,Adenike Opeoluwa,Savadogo, Aboudrahyme,Yedan,Ali,Abdel-Hamid,Alaa Mahmoud Hamed,Pande,Aakanksha,Calimoutou,Emelyne,Shalakani, Amr El,Nguyen,Minh Cong,Kazem,Amira Mohamed Ibrahim,Paksima,Shahram