This year holds special significance as the midpoint in implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With each step closer to the end of the SDG implementation window, efforts to measure...
We live in a rapidly aging world, in which people who are age 60 and older outnumber children under the age of five. This book reveals large and growing gaps in care for older adults in countries at all...
Bangladesh is home to one of the largest populations of older adults in the world.Driven by increasing life expectancy at birth, this population is increasing. By 2040,one in five Bangladeshis will be...
Have teachers mastered the subject matter they are teaching? Can doctors accurately diagnose and treat critical health conditions? Are schools and health facilities sufficiently stocked with needed equipment...
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the centrality of primary care in protecting people’s health and well-being during and beyond crises. It has also provided an opportunity to strengthen and redesign...
To aid national and international efforts to support countries in enhancing their pandemic preparedness in the face of COVID-19, this paper draws from the World Bank's Service Delivery Indicator surveys...