Understanding the economic costs attributable to unhealthy diets is crucial to inform health and agrifood investments in low- and middle-income countries experiencing nutrition transition. To review the...
This costing analysis presents nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive cost categories, covering costing estimates for the period 2023-2030 for each of the sectors. The costing is indicative and based...
Public resources are needed to finance nutrition interventions. Therefore, how well these resources are managed matters to how effective governments can be in addressing malnutrition. However, public financial...
The main purpose of this Guiding Framework document is to present the key elements of a Nutrition Public Expenditure Review (NPER) and offer guidance, practical steps, and examples on carrying out an NPER...
Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is a top global priority, and nutrition actions are a critical part of meeting that goal. When delivered within key windows of opportunity to improve health throughout...