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  • Vibrant Cities - On the Bedrock of Stability, Prosperity, and Sustainability (anglais)

    How will the world’s developing cities become vibrant—capable of meeting the climate, social, and economic challenges of tomorrow? Vibrant cities offer firms and households high expectations for good returns...

    Type de document: Rapport Numéro du rapport: 185074 Date du document: 2 décembre 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Lall,Somik V.,Kaw,Jon Kher,Shilpi,Forhad J.,Murray,Sally Beth

  • Vibrant Cities - On the Bedrock of Stability, Prosperity, and Sustainability : Overview (anglais)

    How will the world’s developing cities become vibrant—capable of meeting the climate, social, and economic challenges of tomorrow? Vibrant cities offer firms and households high expectations for good...

    Type de document: Rapport Numéro du rapport: 185074 Date du document: 1 décembre 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Lall,Somik V.,Kaw,Jon Kher,Shilpi,Forhad J.,Murray,Sally Beth

  • Does Market Integration Increase Rural Land Inequality ? Evidence from India (anglais)

    Investments in transport infrastructure lower trade costs and lead to integration of villages with urban markets. Does spatial market integration increase land inequality in rural areas? Theoretical analysis...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS10286 Date du document: 25 janvier 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Berg,Claudia N.,Blankespoor,Brian,Emran,M. Shahe,Shilpi,Forhad J.

  • Trucking Costs and the Margins of Internal Trade : Evidence from a Trucking Portal in India (anglais)

    This paper uses data on nearly half a million actual shipments from a trucking portal in India to provide evidence on how trucking costs depend on route characteristics and affect the intensive and extensive...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS10059 Date du document: 24 mai 2022 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Lall,Somik V.,Sinha Roy,Sutirtha,Shilpi,Forhad J.

  • Rural-Urban Migration in Developing Countries : Lessons from the Literature (anglais)

    This paper reviews the recent literature on rural-urban migration in developing countries, focusing on three key questions: What motivates or forces people to migrate? What costs do migrants face? What...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS9662 Date du document: 13 mai 2021 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Selod,Harris,Shilpi,Forhad J.

  • The Evolution of Built-up Areas in Ghana since 1975 (anglais)

    This paper uses high-resolution satellite data on the proportion of buildings in a 250x250 meter cell to study the evolution of human settlement in Ghana over a 40-year period. The analysis finds a strong...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS9314 Date du document: 1 juillet 2020 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Fafchamps,Marcel,Shilpi,Forhad J.

  • Determinants of Reductions in Childhood Stunting n Malawi's Community-based Nutrition Programs (anglais)

    Childhood malnutrition is still a public health concern in Malawi. Since 2013 the government of Malawi (GoM) has been implementing a large-scale multisectoral nutrition program, which expanded to all districts...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 140797 Date du document: 1 avril 2019 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Osendarp,Saskia Josepha Maria,Shilpi,Forhad J.,Gondwe,Timothy,Pangapanga-Phiri,Innocent,Kalimbira,Alexander,Mtimuni,Beatrice,Kafere,Deusdedit,Chuitsi,Gabriella,Phiri,Felix,Hyder,Ziauddin

  • Job fairs : matching firms and workers in a field experiment in Ethiopia (anglais)

    Do matching frictions affect youth employment in developing countries? This paper studies a randomized controlled trial of job fairs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The job fairs match firms with a representative...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS8092 Date du document: 7 juin 2017 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Abebe,Girum,Caria,Stefano,Fafchamps,Marcel,Falco,Paolo,Franklin,Simon David,Quinn,Simon Redmond,Shilpi,Forhad J.