This paper is organized in following headings: how can safety nets contribute to economic growth?; political reforms and public policy: evidence from agricultural and food policies; food security and storage...
Patterns of correlation in innovation and contractual practices among manufacturing firms in Ethiopia and Sudan are documented. Network data that indicate whether any two firms in the utilized sample do...
Patterns of correlation in innovation and contractual practices among manufacturing firms in Ethiopia and Sudan are documented. Network data that indicate whether any two firms in the utilized sample do...
Since the development of human capital theory, countless estimates of the economic benefits of investing in education for the individual have been published. While it is a universal fact that in all countries...
This paper compares and contrasts the performance of rural and urban manufacturing firms in Ethiopia to assess the impact of market integration and the investment climate on firm performance. Rural firms...
By developing a simple theoretical model of the impact of market integration on sectoral output and employment in a poor rural setting, this paper demonstrates that trade can induce asymmetric growth...
In a wide-ranging paper on education, incomes, poverty, and inequality, teal (2001) estimates the returns to education in Ghana, using four waves of data from 1988 to 1999. Unlike much of the international...
Policy interest in education is linked to its potential to raise earnings and reduce poverty. This paper investigates the education-earnings relationship in Pakistan, drawing on the Pakistan integrated...
This paper uses uniquely matched household, enterprise and community survey data from four major regions in rural Ethiopia to characterize the performance, constraints and opportunities of nonfarm enterprises...
Ce rapport affirme que la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique a été limitée par des décennies de stagnation de la croissance économique. Celle-ci n’a pas permis de créer suffisamment d’emplois bien payés...
This paper states that poverty reduction in Africa has been held back by decades of stagnant economic growth that has failed to generate enough well-paid jobs to lift the income of workers in Africa's...
Les efforts visant à réduire la pauvreté en Afrique ont été entravés par des années de stagnation de la croissance économique, avec pour conséquence directe peu d’emplois bien rémunérés pour la population...
In the early 1990s the World Bank launched the Regional Program on Enterprise Development (RPED) in several African countries, a key component of which was to collect data on manufacturing firms. The data...
In the early 1990s the World Bank launched the Regional Program on Enterprise Development in several African countries, a key component of which was the collection of manufacturing firm-level data. In...
The objectives of the ICA are to assess the current performance of formal manufacturing firms, to identify the key constraints on their growth and competitiveness, and to prioritize and assess policy priorities...
Macro and micro perspectives of growth and poverty in Africa; by Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery, and Stefano Paternostro. Risk sharing in labor markets; by Arne Bigsten, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon...
The authors model the duration of large-scale, violent civil conflicts, applying hazard functions to a comprehensive data set on such conflicts for the period 1960-99. They find that the duration of conflicts...
It has been suggested that sub-Saharan Africa will not be a significant exporter of manufactured goods because it lacks the necessary skills. Emphasizing that entry into exporting is associated with significant...
The theoretical literature on investment stresses the role of expectations, but in empirical work data on expectations are rarely available. This paper draws on survey data for manufacturing firms in Kenya...
Macro policy has changed the real exchange rates for African countries dramatically in the 1990s. In this paper the possible impact of macroeconomic policy on firms in the manufacturing sector is considered...