Tracking poverty is predicated on the availability of comparable consumption data and reliable price deflators. However, regular series of strictly comparable data are only rarely available. Price deflators...
In this paper, the author assesses the conditions in the rural labor markets in Madagascar in an effort to better understand poverty there. In doing so, the author focus our attention on labor outcomes...
This report assesses labor market conditions in Madagascar between 2001 and 2005. Labor markets are the focus here because poor people derive most of their income from their own largely unskilled labor...
Following the endorsement by the international community of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), there has been an increasing demand for practical methods for steadily tracking poverty. An economically...
This issue includes the following: migration, remittances, and the brain drain: a symposium in memory of Riccardo Faini - an introduction; by Jaime de Melo. Remittances and the brain drain: do more skilled...
This study of the Vaso de Leche ('glass of milk') feeding program in Peru looks for evidence that this in-kind transfer program aimed at young children furthers nutritional objectives. The study links...
The primacy of institutions reconsidered: direct income effects of malaria prevalence by Kai Carstensen, and Erich Gundlacb; when is external debt sustainable? By Aart Kraay, and Vikram Nehru; will African...
Following the endorsement of the Millennium Development Goals, there is an increasing demand for methods to track poverty regularly. This paper develops an economically intuitive and inexpensive methodology...
This paper takes advantage of nationally representative cross-sectional household data sets from 1993, 1997, and 1999, to examine changes in poverty in Madagascar. The authors find that poverty in this...