Цель данного исследования – определить, какие барьеры препятствуют спросу и предложению труда людей с инвалидностью и какие возможности есть для повышения их участия в рынке труда. Исследование включает...
The employment rate among persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation is low - only 26.3 percent as of 2021 - with virtually no change over the past five years. At the same time, the government...
Uzbekistan has inherited from the Soviet Union a comprehensive social protection (SP) system, based on the principles of full employment, universal childcare, and guaranteed old age income security, the...
Uzbekistan has inherited from the Soviet Union a comprehensive social protection (SP) system, based on the principles of full employment, universal childcare, and guaranteed old age income security, the...
This paper reviews the performance of the Russia Local Initiatives Support Program (LISP) as an instrument for directly addressing the needs of the population to access socioeconomic infrastructure, for...
Prosperity from economic growth is not shared evenly among Russia's population and regions. Local communities and rural territories face serious development challenges: including poor living conditions...
Prosperity from economic growth is not shared evenly among Russia's population and regions. Local communities and rural territories face serious development challenges: including poor living conditions...