The Systematic Country Diagnostic Update (the Update) revisits Guinea-Bissau’s development challenges and the prioritization of policy actions to make sustained progress towards decreasing fragility, reducing...
The Sudanese economy has faced several shocks over the years—sometimes resulting in devastating impacts on the economy and the welfare of Sudanese households. Poor households are often particularly vulnerable...
Stunting, measured using a height-for-age Z score [HAZ] and an indicator of chronic malnutrition, among 0–5-year-old Sudanese children has been on the rise—from 34 percent in 2010 to 38 percent in 2014...
While agriculture remains the mainstay for a large share of the population in Sudan, and rural poverty has seen a dramatic decrease (between 2009 and 2014/15), poverty remains relatively high among those...
The Poverty and Gender Assessment examines the structural challenges to securing a robust and inclusive recovery from the pandemic and sustained progress in poverty reduction and gender equality in The...
The Poverty and Gender Assessment examines the structural challenges to securing a robust and inclusive recovery from the pandemic and sustained progress in poverty reduction and gender equality in The...
The report describes the patterns of migration and remittances; and social assistance programs during the COVID-19 pandemic and examines its role in cushioning the effects of the pandemic on household...
This report describes the extent to which the pandemic has affected various aspects of household welfare and examines the effect of government response in mitigating such effects. The status of household’s...
Agriculture remains the mainstay of most of Sudan’s poor though agricultural productivity is low. Hence, increases in agricultural productivity are expected to reduce poverty. Little is known about household-level...
Nested in a bay, the Cap-Haïtien, Haiti second largest city, is home to a large river basin characterized by rapid and uncontrolled urbanization and fears devastating floods during the rainy season. In...
The report is structured as follows: section two provides an overview of the existing literature on undernutrition and its determinants. Section three describes the methodology used in this report, the...