Overcoming the twin challenges of child labor and educational marginalization will be critical to progress towards the millennium development goals in the Economic commission for West Africa States (ECOWAS)...
Overcoming the twin challenges of child labor and educational marginalization will be critical to progress towards the millennium development goals in the Economic commission for West Africa States (ECOWAS)...
Domestic work remains one of the most common and traditional forms of work for children, particularly for girls. Child domestic work is carried out in private homes, and thus it is hidden from view and...
The issue of child abuse in developing countries is of utmost importance for designing policies directed to vulnerable children and aimed at combating the worst forms of child labor. Unfortunately there...
The study begins by providing a profile of working children in Venezuela for the 2000 reference year. This snapshot of the situation of working children is then used to provide a basis for examining the...
The study examines the child labour phenomenon in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region from a gender perspective. It represents part of a broader effort to improve understanding of how child labour...
In Georgia, the lack of employment opportunities and with it, the loss of positive motivation and hope in a better future, is among the critical challenges facing the current generation of young people...
While youth issues are subject of growing attention in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region, data for indicators relating specifically to youth employment remain scarce in most SSA countries. There is therefore...
The current study forms part of a broader research effort directed towards arriving eventually at an internationally acceptable consensus on the statistical definition of child labor. It looks specifically...
This paper explores possible links between orphan hood and two important determinants of child vulnerability - child labor and schooling, using household survey data from 10 Sub Saharan Africa countries...