This working paper presents the results of a rapid literature review of program evaluations of food subsidies to promote healthy eating that address sales/prices, consumption, and/or health outcomes. It...
This paper proposes a novel empirical methodology to reveal factors associated with foreign direct investment decisions and export success at the industry level. Faced with large amounts of policy and...
As a global development institution, the World Bank’s mission is to support Mauritius in its continuing path to economic and social development to the benefit of all citizens. This can take many forms...
In recent years, there have been major changes in the trade policy landscape in West Africa that will affect Senegal. The Common External Tariff (CET) for (ECOWAS) and European Union-Economic Partnership...
Ghana is currently facing two major trade policy adjustments. The economic community of West African states (ECOWAS) common external tariff (CET) is a significant milestone within the long history of regional...
Ghana is currently facing two major trade policy adjustments - the economic community of West African states (ECOWAS) common external tariff (CET) is a significant milestone within the long history of...
This note analyzes the benefits of ECOWAS Common External Tariff (CET) and Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) will outweigh costs in Nigeria, but competitiveness is the real issue. After decade-long...
This paper offers a simple way to assess the impact on the economy of Nigeria of an economic partnership agreement (EPA) between the ECOWAS countries and the European Union (EU) , based on the market access...
The common external tariff (CET) for Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was adopted at a Heads of State Summit in October 2013 in Dakar. This paper assesses the potential impact on Nigeria...
Successful export growth and diversification require not only entry into new export products and markets but also the survival and growth of export flows. For a cross country dataset of product-level bilateral...
Employment effects of the recent global economic crisis have differed significantly across countries. An active public debate currently focuses on external shocks and the role of labor market policies...
TRIST is a simple, easy to use tool to assess the adjustment implications of trade reform. It improves on existing tools. First, it is an improvement in terms of accuracy because projections are based...
Successful export growth and diversification require not only entry into new export products and markets, but also the survival and growth of export flows. This paper uses a detailed, cross-country dataset...
This study discusses potential economic implications for Nigeria of an Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union. It uses the World Bank’s Tariff Reform Impact Simulation Tool to assess the...
The impact of technical assistance on exports and export diversification should be the key measurable outcome of the projects financed by these activities. This note reviews the results of a recent study...