The mobility restrictions and health measures imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic have had highly adverse impacts on small-scale cross-border trade. One coping strategy that traders have pursued is to...
The Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program aims to facilitate the free, efficient movement of goods in and beyond the region by reducing the times and costs borne by private traders and by strengthening...
The Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program aims to facilitate the free, efficient movement of goods in and beyond the region by reducing the times and costs borne by private traders and by strengthening...
The Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program aims to facilitate the free, efficient movement of goods in and beyond the region by reducing the times and costs borne by private traders and by strengthening...
The Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program aims to facilitate the free, efficient movement of goods in and beyond the region by reducing the times and costs borne by private traders and by strengthening...
The Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program aims to facilitate the free, efficient movement of goods in and beyond the region by reducing the times and costs borne by private traders and by strengthening...
The Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program aims to facilitate the free, efficient movement of goods in and beyond the region by reducing the times and costs borne by private traders and by strengthening...
The Lake Chad Region (LCR) is an economically interdependent area that encompasses parts of Cameroon (Extrême-Nord), Chad (Chari Baguirmi, Hadjer Lamis, Kenam, and Lac), Niger (Diffa and Zinder), and Nigeria...
This report synthesizes the work carried out as part of a World Bank ASA (Advisory Services and Analytics) activity to identify better systems and practical strategies that countries can use for improved...
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) brings together ten countries with over 620 million people and a combined gross domestic product of more than USD 2.5 trillion. These countries are well...
More than 350 Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are currently in force and more than one-half of global trade is carried out under preferential terms. A strong set of results based indicators can help to...
International trade was deeply affected by the global financial and economic crisis. Mimicking worldwide trends, imports from and exports to the Middle East and North Africa dropped significantly in 2009...
Expanding international trade is an important avenue for growth and development in low-income countries. In addition to increasing the quantity of existing export flows, many countries seek to diversify...
Many developing countries operate geographically delineated economic areas in the form of export processing zones, special industrial zones, or free trade zones. They experiment in these special economic...
This study discusses potential economic implications for Nigeria of an Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union. It uses the World Bank’s Tariff Reform Impact Simulation Tool to assess the...
Many developing countries operate geographically delineated economic areas in the form of export processing zones, special industrial zones, or free trade zones. This paper provides an overview of the...
This book takes a fresh look at export diversification. It concludes that much of the recent literature, though novel, has focused excessively on simply adding new products to export portfolios. One branch...
While diversification of exports is often a desirable trade objective, it is far from clear how best to tap into new opportunities. This paper discusses the range of avenues of diversification, including...
This study on a world integration for Tunisia attempts to contribute to the achievement of the growth of the 11th development plan. It first takes stock of past integration policies, outlining policies...
Cette étude sur l’intégration de la Tunisie à l’économie mondiale tente de contribuer à la croissance prévue par le 11e plan de développement. Elle fait tout d’abord un bilan de la politique d’intégration...