The 2022 Household Income and Expenditure Survey enhances fieldwork, data management, and information quality but poses comparability challenges with previous rounds. This study proposes a two-step process...
The report is organized around the sustainable development goals (SDGs), Zila-level database contains indicators at the zila (district) level such as poverty, nutrition, fertility, health, access to services...
The report is organized around the sustainable development goals (SDGs), Zila-level database contains indicators at the zila (district) level such as poverty, nutrition, fertility, health, access to services...
This report assesses and quantifies the impact of climate hazards and exposure on poverty. Considering the increasing impacts of climate change in Bangladesh, especially on poorer communities, the authors...
This brief summarizes findings on labor market impacts of COVID-19 from the second round of the Bangladesh COVID-19 phone monitoring survey, a collaborative effort by the World Bank and UNICEF that was...
To track the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on labor markets and household coping strategies, a rapid phone survey was implemented on a representative sample of households living in poor and slum areas...
Measuring and comparing the levels of household welfare and poverty in a country require cost-of-living differences across regions to be properly adjusted. In measuring the spatial cost of living, the...
Favorable global economic conditions supported a turnaround in economic activity in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2017, easing pressure on weak policy frameworks. Output growth rebounded to an estimated 2.6 percent...
The April 2018 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, some surveys have...