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  • Choices of technology in industry (anglais)

    This article discusses questions of appropriate technology in a particular case. The case study shows that ill-advised government price policies can lead to inappropriate choices that have a substantial...

    Type de document: Article de revue Numéro du rapport: REP330 Date du document: 31 juillet 1984 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Westphal,Larry E.,Rhee, Yung W.

  • Reflections on Korea's acquisition of technological capability (anglais)

    Technological development usually is not associated with the industrialization of developing countries because intervention plays only a minor part. However, industrialization adds to the variety of products...

    Type de document: Document de travail départemental Numéro du rapport: DRD77 Date du document: 1 avril 1984 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Westphal,Larry E.,Kim, Linsu,Dahlman, Carl J.

  • Economic Development and the Private Sector (anglais)

    Economic development is a complex process in which both the private and public sectors have important roles to play. Their roles are best played if they can be cast as partners in helping to achieve growth...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 189894 Date du document: 30 novembre 1983 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: De Vries,Barend A.,Bell,Carl T.,Willoughby, Christopher R.,Marsde, Keith,Donaldson,Graham,Churchill,Anthony,Dewey,Chauncey F.,Kohli, Harinder S.,Westphal,Larry E.,Hughes,Helen

  • The interdependence of investment decisions revisited (anglais)

    In his well-known article on "The Interdependence of Investment Decisions," Chenery investigated the consequences of economies of scale in production activities that are related through the use of intermediate...

    Type de document: Document de travail départemental Numéro du rapport: DRD58 Date du document: 30 septembre 1983 Mode de publication: Auteur: Westphal,Larry E.,Cremer, Jacques

  • Empirical justification for infant industry protection (anglais)

    This paper argues that the emiprical evidence does not disprove the efficacy of high levels of selective infant industry protection. The argument is based on two types of evidence. Recent research on technological...

    Type de document: Document de travail des services de la Banque mondiale Numéro du rapport: SWP445 Date du document: 31 mars 1981 Mode de publication: Auteur: Westphal,Larry E.

  • Korea's exerience with export-led industrial development (anglais)

    Korea's overall development performance since the policy reforms in 1964-1965 has been striking. The role of monetary and fiscal policy in increasing public and private savings has been a key factor. But...

    Type de document: Document de travail des services de la Banque mondiale Numéro du rapport: SWP249 Date du document: 28 février 1977 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Westphal,Larry E.

  • The allocative consequences of economies of scale (anglais)

    A static, mixed integer programming model of the mechanical engineering sector is used to address the question of whether interdependence due to economies of scale matters. This model was originally constructed...

    Type de document: Document de travail départemental Numéro du rapport: DRD18 Date du document: 1 janvier 1976 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Rhee,Yung Whee,Westphal,Larry E.