Much of the paper is devoted to expounding the standard model of the exchange rate accepted by most economists today. This regards the exchange rate as a forward-looking asset price. Its steady-state level...
This book brings together the insights and experiences of some of the world's leading policymakers and global thought leaders, individuals who have had substantial influence on the policy reforms and development...
This book brings together the insights and experiences of some of the world's leading policymakers and global thought leaders, individuals who have had substantial influence on the policy reforms and development...
International approaches to global climate change; by Richard N. Cooper. Comments on Cooper; by Kenneth J. Arrow. Understanding how contagion spreads; by Rudiger Dornbusch, Yung Chul Park, and Stijn Claessens...
The phrase ' Washington Consensus ' has become a familiar term in development policy circles in recent years, but it is now used in several different senses, causing a great deal of confusion. In this...
These proceedings provide an account of a roundtable discussion on the subject of "External Shocks and Currency Boards: How Much Pain? How Much Gain?" held at the World Bank on October 4, 1996. The panelists...
This volume consists of two comments on Sachs' paper, "Russia's Struggle with Stabilization: Conceptual Issues and Evidence," followed by a summary of the floor discussion on the paper. Both comments analyze...
World Bank conference helps develop development economics. Development issues in a changing world - excerpts from Michael Bruno's keynote address. How to stabilize - policy lessons from early reformers...