This issue of the newsletter highlights the emerging results of an ongoing study - Household Energy, Air Pollution and Health - supported by South Asia Region of the World Bank and the joint UNDP/World...
This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation". Environmental sustainability has figured prominently...
This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation". The review covers IDA's implementation of recommendations...
This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation". This paper covers the undertakings by IDA10 - IDA12...
This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation". Governance was an increasingly important topic in...
The California power crisis is so sudden and serious that it is prompting policymakers in many countries as well as other U.S. states to look for lessons that can be applied to the reform of their own...
This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation". The IDA Exit Workshop focused discussion on poverty...
This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation". This study on the IDA performance-based allocation...
Johannesburg 2002 must be about people, planet, and prosperity; by Mohammed Valli Moosa. Making sustainable commitments - an environment strategy for the World Bank; by Kristalina I. Georgieva. The World...
The author investigates the links between trade policy and economic growth using data from a panel of 57 countries from 1970-89. This is the first attempt to empirically evaluate, in a cross-country context...