The June 2022 release of learning poverty estimates includes assessment scores from ERCE 2019 by El Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación (LLECE). Results were reportedfor 16 participating...
The importance of ensuring that dam structures can withstand earthquakes has been recognized and practiced for many years. The technical capability of the dam engineering industry in the seismic design...
To compare welfare aggregates over time and across space, the World Bank's global poverty estimates incorporate temporal and spatial price adjustments, as well as currency changes. This short note summarizes...
Having in place flexible benefit mechanisms which can provide timely and appropriate levels and types of benefits following disasters and climate change related events is critical. Doing so ensures that...
The literature review and especially the country specific assessments and reports indicated that the capacity of a local construction industry may be limited due to a wide variety of reasons. Therefore...
This note summarizes the way the BioCarbon Fund proposes to achieve environmental and social benefits through projects that sequester and conserve carbon in forests, agriculture and other ecosystems.,This...
Africa faces a great challenge as it seeks to mobilize sufficient funds to build, improve, and maintain a network of high capacity freeways to serve the needs of the region's rapidly growing road transport...
L’Afrique est confrontée à un grand défi dans sa quête de fonds suffisants pour construire, améliorer et entretenir un réseau d’autoroutes à grande capacité, pour servir les besoins de la croissance rapide...
This note addresses the question about the role International Development Association (IDA) can play in implementing the environmental agenda which is currently under discussion at for such as the global...
In the course of consultations on International Development Association (IDA) discussion paper no. 2, 'IDA sectoral programs and country allocations', a deputy requested additional information on IDA's...
This study has shown that significant quantities of protein for either human consumption or livestock feed could be produced from wastewater-based aquaculture, which could be integrated with sewage stabilization...
Ce livret est conçu pour servir de manuel pratique aux assistants techniques de l’Agence pour la construction des logis par l’habitant (ACLH) chargés d’inspecter et d’aider à la construction de ce que...
This booklet is intended to serve as a field manual for Self-Help Housing Agency Technical Assistants (SHHATA's) who are charged with inspecting and assisting in the construction of what are known in Botswana...
This technical note presents a conceptual framework for dealing with management training; such training supports a primary Bank objective of developing management and institutional capabilities in borrower...
In problems with an angular structure, the initial basis is represented in reduced form via partitioning. If partitioning is also used in the updating of the basis, subsequent iterations do not differ...