Sharing mobile network infrastructure through specialized companies called towercos is a business model with the potential to accelerate access to quality mobile connectivity for individuals and businesses...
On July 30, 2018 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and four. It was resolved that the 2018 regular election of directors shall take...
Crime rates in Papua New Guinea’s capital city of Port Moresby are among the highest in the world. Few youth work, and good jobs are scarce. In 2013, the national capital district commission partnered...
Equity as a funding instrument is particularly important for the responsible development of financial markets. Through purchasing shares in financial services providers (FSPs) and other types of institutions...
Before the Gulf wars, Baghdad had a well-functioning water and sewerage system, with standards of reliability, access, and quality similar to many first world countries, illustrated by a coverage of 95...
The World Bank and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) jointly prepared a new global data set of bilateral trade costs based on trade and production data...
South Africa has rapidly reduced trade barriers since the end of Apartheid, yet agricultural production and exports have remained sluggish. Also, poverty and unemployment have risen and become increasingly...
Ce rapport, qui a pour origine une description du secteur urbain au Mali, examine les points de départ les plus prometteurs d’un futur développement urbain et municipal. Le Mali est beaucoup moins urbanisé...
Taking its outset in a description of the urban sector in Mali, this report explores the most promising entry points for future urban and municipal development. Mali is much less urbanized than other countries...
This paper is part of a research project analyzing the participation of stakeholders beyond the drafting process of Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS), i.e. in implementation, monitoring and revision...
Fiscal circumstances in Brazil are a key constraint to faster and more robust economic growth. In part, this is due to accumulated public sector deficits in earlier periods that are represented in Brazil's...
Fiscal circumstances in Brazil are a key constraint to faster and more robust economic growth. In part, this is due to accumulated public sector deficits in earlier periods that are represented in Brazil's...
Fiscal circumstances in Brazil are a key constraint to faster and more robust economic growth. In part, this is due to accumulated public sector deficits in earlier periods that are represented in Brazil's...
This paper presents such a stocktaking of land reform and farm restructuring in four countries (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, and Moldova) that have had particular difficulties with land reform, farm...
This paper presents such a stocktaking of land reform and farm restructuring in four countries (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, and Moldova) that have had particular difficulties with land reform, farm...
The level of electrification in sub-Saharan Africa is low, with less than 10 percent of the rural households having access to electricity. One of the key barriers to accelerating access is the high cost...
Ignoring gender in the planning and evaluation of credit and transfer programs can lead to erroneous conclusions about who benefits from them. Access to institutional credit and targeted transfers can...
Ignoring gender in the planning and evaluation of credit and transfer programs can lead to erroneous conclusions about who benefits from them. Access to institutional credit and targeted transfers can...
Over the last several years, the rights of local communities over natural resources have been strengthened either through power-sharing agreements with the state, increased legal access to natural resources...
Le Fonds d’action sociale du Malawi fonctionne depuis juillet 1995. Il a été spécialement créé pour financer directement les communautés pour la mise en œuvre de sous-projets axés sur la demande. Récemment...