Blended concessional finance, the combination of commercial finance from the private sector and development finance institutions (DFIs) with concessional finance from public and other sources, is increasingly...
On October 12, 2018, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and five. It was resolved that the Council of Governors of the Agency considers...
Absent actual panel household survey data, this paper constructs, for the first time, synthetic panel data for more than 20 countries accounting for two-thirds of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa...
Significant strides have been made in connecting the world’s low-income populations and micro and small businesses to financial services. Yet, after decades, there are still large gaps in access, use...
Road transport is the most pervasive of all transport modes in Africa and is central to the socioeconomic growth and development of all countries in the region. For it to be effective as a catalyst for...
Disasters are increasing worldwide with more devastating effects than ever before. The absolute number of disasters around the world has almost doubled since the 1980s, but the average number of natural...
Brazilian exports of goods and services have grown sharply in recent years, with sales nearly three times higher in 2010 than in 2000. However, Brazil faces considerable competitiveness challenges: its...
Using the most recent estimates of agricultural price distortions, this chapter studies the economic, poverty, and income inequality impacts of both global and domestic trade reform in Argentina, with...
This study builds on research that has been conducted by civil society organizations (CSOs) and donor agencies in Ecuador on the growth and activities of CSOs, recognizing the important role they have...
This report assesses labor market conditions in Madagascar between 2001 and 2005. Labor markets are the focus here because poor people derive most of their income from their own largely unskilled labor...
In this note, the authors explain that although Chile has made considerable progress in its efforts to reduce poverty, sustain growth, and promote democratization during the last decade, these advances...
Drawing from a variety of data sources and utilizing a common empirical framework and estimation strategy, this study identifies patterns and statistical profiles of geographical mobility. It finds internal...
In this note, the authors explain that although Chile has made considerable progress in its efforts to reduce poverty, sustain growth, and promote democratization during the last decade, these advances...
This report documents the experience of developing a green electricity scheme in Shanghai, China. It is intended to be a resource when replicating this effort in another city or country. The study consists...
L’objectif premier de ce document est d’analyser la façon dont le processus d’allocation de ressources et d’acquisition de services est mis en œuvre en Afrique et d’apporter de nouveaux éléments afin de...
Bank support for civil service reform (CSR) in developing countries used to focus mainly on improving government pay, and employment practices. In recent years, CSR programs have sought a broader set of...
Integrating environmental concerns in lending, and non lending operations of the Bank is imperative in securing, and strengthening a sustainable development agenda. Country Assistance Strategies (CASs)...
Les objectifs du projet (9,37 millions de dollars, 1996-2001) étaient a) d’améliorer les capacités des institutions du secteur minier à remplir leur fonction d’encouragement et de réglementation des investissements...
The objectives of the project ($9.37 million, 1996-2001) were to (a) enhance the capacity of the mining sector institutions to carry out their functions of encouraging and regulating investments in the...
Depuis 1991, des changements radicaux ont eu lieu dans l’environnement politique et institutionnel régissant le secteur agricole de la Zambie. Les politiques de libéralisation et de privatisation ont entraîné...