The accelerated use of digital services during the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of high-speed Internet access. Yet a large share of adults in emerging markets still live in cities where...
On October 18, 2019, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and seven. It was resolved that the Council of Governors of the Agency considers...
It is 2025. Imagine that everyone around the world is using a broad range of affordable financial services that meet their various needs, full financial inclusion. This has contributed to a new wave of...
The decision, by a national government or a port authority, to contract out the development and operation of a container terminal facility to a qualified private operator sets in motion a process involving...
The decision, by a national government or a port authority, to contract out the development and operation of a container terminal facility to a qualified private operator sets in motion a process involving...
This paper explores perceptions of distributive justice in Latin America during the 2000s and their relationship with income inequality. In line with the fall in income inequality in the region, the paper...
Two key dimensions on access to justice sector services in Jordan are poverty and gender. The gender dimension to accessing formal justice sector services, namely court and lawyer services is anchored...
Despite rapid economic growth, gender disparities in women's economic participation have remained deep and persistent in India. What explains these gender disparities? Is it poor infrastructure, limited...
The Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations stalled in 2008 owing in no small degree to a lack of agreement on the terms of substantially reducing trade-distorting support for agricultural products...
The objective of this study is to assess developments in Benin's external competitiveness and hence its exchange rate policy. It analyses the relationship between the exchange rate regime and the performance...
This paper explores how communities select their Community-Driven Development (CDD) proposals and how CDD resources are allocated across villages. In particular, the author assess whether resources reach...
This note summarizes the main findings of the Rapid Social Assessment (RSA) Update. To respond to community tensions and to build upon emergent positive social relations the Update recommended a new impetus...
This paper provides an assessment of the Polish funded pension system and the quality of the regulatory framework for the accumulation phase. There are two elements that distinguish the Polish pension...
This paper aims to make an evaluation of the natural gas sector in Colombia and in order to make an analysis within the final project report (REDI) framework, it takes into account factors of analysis...
The note reviews the support of the Africa Action Plan (AAP), through the work of the PREM - Poverty Reduction and Economic Management - Anchor, which actively stepped up its support to the Africa Region...
The objective of the Population and Family Planning (FP) Project, a Learning and Innovation Loan (LIL), was to test the feasibility of a comprehensive and district-wide Community Based Distribution (CBD)...
L’objectif du Projet Population et planification familiale (FP) L’objectif du Projet, un prêt au titre de l’apprentissage et de l’innovation (LIL) était de tester la possibilité d’une approche globale...
This survey was designed to research a number of basic issues, including the composition of the manufacturing sector, sources of growth, major impediments to growth, the composition of the labor force...
Ceci doit être accompli dans un contexte de taux élevés d’analphabétisme, de croissance démographique rapide, de précipitations faibles et irrégulières, de sols peu fertiles, et de stratégies de développement...