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  • Subnational debt, insolvency, and market development (anglais)

    State and local debt and the debt of quasi-public agencies have grown in importance as a result of fiscal decentralization, rapid urbanization, and the increasing role played by private capital. However...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 76379 Date du document: 1 avril 2013 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Canuto,Otaviano,Liu,Lili

  • Gender in Peru : can women be integrated into transport projects? (anglais)

    The main achievement of the Rural Roads Project with regard to gender issues was the improvement of the bridle paths. This was not simply a result of female representation on the Rural Road Committees...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 53807 Date du document: 1 octobre 2007 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Caballero Alonso,Maria Luz, Alcahuasi, Nerida

  • Mainstreaming environment in the implementation of PRSPs in Sub-Saharan Africa (anglais)

    The current assessment builds on previously published reviews of poverty reduction strategy programs (PRSPs), and is the sixth report in a series. This paper aims at presenting a clearer picture of how...

    Type de document: Document de travail (série numérotée) Numéro du rapport: 40407 Date du document: 1 mai 2007 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Kishore,Sunanda

  • Estimating economic benefits for revenue administration reform projects (anglais)

    The World Bank relies in part on economic benefit estimates to evaluate the merits of investment projects. Recent lending operations for revenue administrations in Vietnam have led to some rethinking of...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 39623 Date du document: 1 mars 2007 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: De Wulf, Luc,Le,Tuan Minh,Pham,Duc Minh

  • Higher education financing in the new EU member states : leveling the playing field (anglais)

    The study reviews the experience in the EU8 countries of the emergence of private higher education institutions and introduction of fees for student who do not gain regular admission. This has resulted...

    Type de document: Publication Numéro du rapport: 40539 Date du document: 1 janvier 2007 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Canning,Mary,Godfrey,Martin E.,Holzer-Zelazewska,Dorota

  • Sierra Leone : réintégration et réhabilitation communautaires (français)

    L’objectif du projet (crédit de 25 millions de dollars de la Banque mondiale pour la période 2000–2003) était d’appuyer le processus de paix et d’accélérer le retour à la stabilité en Sierra Leone, en...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 33177 Date du document: 1 mai 2005 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Mohan, P.C. (editor)

  • Sierra Leone: community reintegration and rehabilitation (anglais)

    The objective of the project (Credit of US$25 million from the World Bank over the period 2000-2003) was to support the peace process and expedite the return of stability to Sierra Leone through the support...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 33177 Date du document: 1 mai 2005 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Mohan, P.C. (editor)

  • Two community nutrition projects in Africa : interim findings (anglais)

    The Madagascar Food Security and Nutrition Project (SECALINE) and the Senegal Community Nutrition Project (CNP) were designed to prevent malnutrition and to diminish existing malnutrition rates among children...

    Type de document: Fiche Numéro du rapport: 57134 Date du document: 1 juin 1998 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Marek,Tonia

  • Privatizing roads : a new method for auctioning highways (anglais)

    This note argues that many of the problems that have plagued highway privatization stem from the combined effects of special features of the highway business and the type of contracts - fixed term franchises...

    Type de document: Point de vue Numéro du rapport: 16870 Date du document: 31 mai 1997 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Engel,Eduardo,Fischer Barkan,Ronald David,Galetovic,Alexander