On July 20, 2022, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and fifteen. It was resolved that the regular election of Directors shall take...
The paper delves into the implications of a failure to account for rental regulation in the measurement of households’ welfare, poverty, and inequality when using household surveys. Exploiting previously...
Like most governments, the Government of Jordan (GoJ) struggles with the provision of legal aid services, information, counseling and representation by a lawyer - to the poor. Jordanians have the legal...
What role does public policy play in helping countries accelerate the industrialization process? This note aims to answer this question by applying a framework to analyze the process of transitioning from...
Non-energy commodity prices fell by 0.4 percent in June, although there were both large declines (coconut oil and tin) and sharp gains (urea fertilizer and sugar). Crude oil prices fell on the International...
This background paper addresses two vital concerns in debate upon adaptation to climate change. First, how do author prepare countries to manage the impact of climate-change induced natural disasters?...
Local institutions play a fundamental role in governing access to resources, shaping delivery of services, and determining the experience of governance at local level. They are the principal mechanism...
This paper uses the Rwandan Industrial and Mining Survey (RIMS), a joint exercise between the World Bank, and the institute of statistics, ministry of finance and economic planning of the Government of...
Les moyens de subsistance des communautés rurales du Pérou dépendent principalement de secteurs tels que l’agriculture qui sont vulnérables au climat. Vu les liens étroits qui existent entre l’environnement...
Argentina's youth 6.7 million between the ages of 15 and 24 are an important, but to a certain extent untapped, resource for development. Over 2 million (31 percent) have already engaged in risky behaviors...
Argentina's youth 6.7 million between the ages of 15 and 24 are an important, but to a certain extent untapped, resource for development. Over 2 million (31 percent) have already engaged in risky behaviors...
This study considers key aspects of administrative performance in three areas related to policy, people, and systems. First, in the field of policy, the study addresses issues of performance management...
Over the past two decades, the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) has financed several projects to assist Bolivia in the development of its energy sector, including the Bolivia Country...
The objective of the First Decentralized City Management project - 2000-2004 (credit equivalent of US$25.5 million) was to provide better quality and more cost-effective basic services to urban residents...
L’objectif du Premier projet de gestion décentralisée des villes – 2004-2005 (crédit d’un montant équivalent à 25,5 millions de dollars) était de fournir des services de base de meilleure qualité et plus...
Nigerian firms complain about increasing competition from imported goods and commonly place much of the blame on the high cost of manufacture. They report that their most serious business problem is the...
Les auteurs de cette note précisent l’objectif principal de l’Initiative pour la gestion intégrée des zones côtières (ICZM), assistée par la Banque mondiale et lancée en 1995. Il s’agissait d’identifier...
In Uganda, efforts to decentralize the management of the extension service and to launch the village participation in land development exercise have led to a number of issues, outcomes and expectations...
In Uganda, efforts to decentralize the management of the extension service and to launch the village participation in land development exercise have led to a number of issues, outcomes and expectations...
In 1989, the United Kingdom embarked on one of the first modern privatizations in the water sector, selling assets under license and setting up an independent economic regulator. An important regulatory...