Small area poverty maps allow for the design of policies based on spatial differences in welfare. They are typically estimated based on a consumption survey reporting on poverty and a census providing...
The overall purpose was to identify how reconstruction of infrastructure and provision ofessential services could be more effective,especially in countries, such as Lebanon andJordan, facing a massive...
Les enfants d’Haïti naissent dans un des contextes les plus difficiles de la planète et souffrent d’un handicap en termes de croissance, de développement et de potentiel de réussite. Les taux de malnutrition...
Children in Haiti are born into some of the harshest conditions on the planet, and are left at a disadvantage in terms of growth, development, and potential to thrive. Malnutrition rates in Haiti are among...
Au cours des trente dernières années, les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne ont fait de remarquables progrès en matière de conditions et de situation sanitaires. Cependant, ils souffrent encore de certains...
In the past thirty years, Sub-Saharan African countries have made remarkable improvements in health conditions and status. However, they still suffer from some of the worst health problems in the world...
Private investors are considering several large-scale oil and gas production, pipeline, and cross-border pipeline projects in developing countries, including in West Africa and in the Caspian Sea region...
The first free-standing flood protection project funded by the World Bank in Tunisia successfully reduced the flow of uncontrolled water and damage to urban areas, according to a study by OED Impact evaluation...
The first free-standing flood protection project funded by the World Bank in Tunisia successfully reduced the flow of uncontrolled water and damage to urban areas, according to a study by OED Impact evaluation...
Le premier projet autonome de protection contre les inondations financé par la Banque mondiale en Tunisie a réussi à réduire l’écoulement de l’eau non contrôlée et les dommages aux zones urbaines, selon...
On October 17, 1991, the International Development Association (IDA) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and fifty seven. It was resolved that the Board of Governors of the Association...
On December 14, 1987, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred fifty-seven. It was resolved that, by accepting membership in the Corporation...
On June 22, 1962, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and fifty seven. It was resolved that, pursuant to Article II...
This press release announces the appointment of Drew Dudley as Director of Public Relations for Europe on November 1, 1949.