Tanzania has managed a steadily robust growth path amid multiple external shocks, with low and stable inflation by regional standards. While poverty reduction has progressed slowly, the government increased...
This brief presents new data collected by the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law project on childcare legislation in 95 economies around the world. It focuses on government measures aimed at making...
The Rwanda Economic Update No. 21 reviews the country’s macroeconomic performance and prospects and includes a special section focusing on the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the domestic...
Geothermal direct use (GDU) is the use of geothermal resources to create valuable commodities from heat, minerals, and gases. The term GDU arises because commercial development of geothermal resources...
Iako su političke tenzije dovele do zastoja u reformama, ekonomski rast u 2021. je dostigao 7,1 procenata, što je iznad očekivanja, nakon kratkotrajne recesije godinu ranije. Ukupna inflacija se, u međuvremenu...
This report presents steering through crises country notes for: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.
Ekonomia e Kosovës përjetoj rimëkëmbje të plotë në vitin 2021, e mbështetur nga konsumi privat dhe një rritje rekorde e eksporteve. Inflacioni u përshpejtua në gjysmën e dytë të vitit 2021, i nxitur nga...
Rritja ekonomike në vitin 2021, është rikuperuar plotësisht nga recesioni i shkaktuar nga pandemia. E vlerësuar në 8.5 për qind, rritja rezultoi më e fortë nga sa ishte parashikuar, për shkak të politikave...
Just as the economies of the Western Balkans were looking to growth recovery beyond the pandemic, a new set of challenges confronted the region. The economies of the Western Balkans saw a strong growth...
Nakon što je u 2020. zabeležena recesija izazvana pandemijom, bruto domaći proizvod je u realnom iznosu porastao za 4 odsto u 2021. Ekonomski rast je prvenstveno podstaklo veliko povećanje privatne potrošnje...
Ovo izvješće o redovnom gospodarskom izvješću za Zapadni Balkan 20-21 fokusira se na upravljanje krizom u Crnoj Gori.
Овај извештај се фокусира на аспект управљања кризама у оквиру Редовног економског извештаја за Западни Балкан 20-21.
The Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNADC in Portuguese) is the main source of information for poverty monitoring in Brazil. The PNADC 2020 annual release was published in November 2021. The...
The North Eastern Region (NER) of India comprises eight states, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura. Most of the region’s population lives in rural areas...
A 2.1 million dollars grant through ESMAPs Small Island Developing States (SIDS) DOCK Support Program is playing a key role in helping Tuvalu achieve energy security through clean energy. The grant enables...
The stunting rate in the Philippines is high for the country’s level of income. Almost one in three children under age five is stunted, and the rate is significantly higher among children from low income...
This report outlines 5 main policy channels for interventions to help the Sri Lankan economy modernize and move beyond yesterday’s labor-intensive strategies to more skill-intensive employment in competitive...
Daily estimates of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)—one of a group of pollutant gases that derive from human activity, primarily combustion—can provide a useful, albeit "noisy", real-time proxy measure of how COVID-19...
Central to making good decisions about debt guarantees is assessing their expected and possible fiscal cost, a task that many governments still struggle with. This paper therefore describes a relatively...