To effectively address poverty, it is essential that countries have the tools and means to accurately measure people’s living standards. Most countries rely on data collected from household surveys to...
As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to take its toll on human life, businesses in North Macedonia have continued to struggle despite a return to some normalcy. This note examines the state of the private...
Despite significant recent advances in research on people with disabilities in many developed countries, little is known about their counterparts living in the developing world. With the goal of helping...
Since early 2020, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has spread to most countries and territories around the world. For many countries, the second wave of infections is turning out to be more serious...
As countries develop (and food saturation takes hold), agriculture’s role as domestic employer declines. But the broader agri-food system (AFS) also expands, and the scope for agriculture-related job creation...
Global growth is broadly stable but downside risks from rising trade tensions are increasing.A weakening recovery in trade and manufacturing activities is weighing down global growth. Global goods trade...
Commercial enterprises that are owned and controlled by governments continue to constitute a significant portion of business activity in many parts of the world. This paper examines three critical areas...
The United Kingdom has in many respects the archetypal centrally planned, publicly financed health care system in the form of National Health Service (NHS), established in 1948 in a time of great austerity...
Blockchain is an exciting new technology that may prove to be a radical innovation - similar to technologies such as the steam engine and the Internet that triggered previous industrial revolutions - with...
Financial literacy - the ability to make informed decisions regarding money - plays a critical role in ensuring both the well-being of households and the stability of the financial system. Consequently...
The cyclone ravaged the area leaving behind destroyed houses, roads and bridges, huge holes in the streets and enormous erosion along the streams. The World Bank Group responded with a telegram from President...
This paper decomposes the gender gap in pay in the Russian Federation along the earnings distribution for the period 1996-2011. The analysis uses a reweighted, recentered influence function decomposition...
Tourism is one of the key industries driving the current economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). From a small base of just 6.7 million visitors in 1990, SSA attracted 33.8 million visitors in 2012...
Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) generated from transport are among the fastest growing in Europe and in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region, posing a challenge in creating a low-carbon future, as economic...
South Africa is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Africa. The energy sector is the single largest source of CO2 emissions, accounting for more than 70 percent of the total. One...
Among the root causes of the current political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are the large numbers of unemployed but increasingly educated youth. For the region to achieve stability...
The Kyrgyz Republic spends tremendous resources on education. More than 20 percent of total public expenditure, but outcomes are poor. The Kyrgyz Republic was ranked last in math, science and reading among...
The Kyrgyz Republic spends tremendous resources on education. More than 20 percent of total public expenditure, but outcomes are poor. The Kyrgyz Republic was ranked last in math, science and reading among...
In 2010 the World Bank approved a US$220 million loan for a Local Government and Decentralization project in Indonesia. The project aims to improve the accountability and reporting of the central government's...
Although economic crises are difficult to predict, their recurrence is a salient feature of emerging market economies. Nevertheless, many developing countries continue to lack an effective policy infrastructure...