Pakistan’s urban areas face a looming housing crisis: forty-seven percent of households live in over-crowded housing units in informal settlements (katchi abadis) with inadequate infrastructure and services...
Vaccination rates in developing countries lag those in developed countries by a huge margin. This Research & Policy Brief identifies and quantifies the impact of six policy and regulatory actions that...
This note discusses policy options for managing the employment impacts of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis aimed at relief and restructuring. The note pays attention to the labor market and institutional...
This note discusses policy options for managing the employment impacts of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis aimed at relief and restructuring. The note pays attention to the labor market and institutional...
Small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries tend to struggle with growth compared to their counterparts in more developed economies. Attempts to understand impediments to SME growth have...
Agriculture is central to emerging market economies. In Africa it accounts for as much as 65 percent of employment and 32 percent of output. Globally, two-thirds of the world’s poor - some 750 million...
The contents of this newsletter focus on World Bank Group support, status of ongoing operations, and Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. It has the following headings: news; World Bank group support;...
The contents of this newsletter focus on World Bank Group support, status of ongoing operations, and Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. It has the following headings: news; World Bank group support;...
The contents of this newsletter focus on World Bank Group support, status of ongoing operations, and Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund. It has the following headings: news; World Bank group support;...
OBA and other innovative forms of results-based financing (RBF) are still relatively new to the education sector, but emerging evidence suggests that OBA/RBF may be versatile tools for addressing issues...
The result of this study was the research paper, Village Water Supply Economics and Policy in the Developing World, written by Robert J. Sounders and Jeremy J. Warford of the Bank’s Energy, Water and Telecommunications...
The hub-periphery development pattern of the Guangdong economy, to some extent, is a miniature of that of the Chinese economy. The Pearl River Delta, drawing from its first-nature comparative advantages...
Social benefits can reduce the effects of a crisis and protect the poor by assisting existing beneficiaries and expanding to cover newly vulnerable populations. Pre-crisis preparedness matters. In some...
This study evaluates a community-based randomized controlled trial (RCT) to determine the impact of an information campaign on learning and other school outcomes. The study was conducted in three Indian...
This quick note provides an overview of the World Bank report striving for better jobs: the challenge of informality in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The report was completed as a revolutionary...
In 2010, 25 water and sewerage projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closure in seven low and middle-income countries, involving investment commitments of US$1.8 billion...
Nonfarm sector development in rural Ethiopia is central to generating employment and income and thereby reducing poverty. The improved investment climate could facilitate investments in farm and nonfarm...
Delivering aid differently was written at a time when the future of foreign aid is being fiercely debated. The book includes an overview; case studies of Aceh/Indonesia, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan...
Tanzania initiated a forward-looking National Water Policy (NAWAPO-2002) to promote an integrated approach to water resources management and improve water supply and sanitation service (WSS) delivery in...
This paper provides an overview of the major current debates on infrastructure policy. It reviews the evidence on the macroeconomic significance of the sector in terms of growth and poverty alleviation...