The proposed diagnostic fills a void between widely available quantitative indicators and detailed diagnostics of the capacity of an NSS. Statistical capacity can readily be ranked across countries using...
The deep global recession induced by Covid-19 (coronavirus) is putting at risk the gains in poverty reduction made over the past three decades. The ability of existing social protection programs to prevent...
This study assesses jobs outcomes in the towns of South Sudan, based on a 2017 household survey and a dedicated 2019 youth jobs survey. It discusses how years of conflict have touched nearly all livelihoods...
Government interventions to lower interest rates and expand credit to the rural sector are common in developing countries. Some of these policies, like interest rate subsidies, though well-intentioned...
Agriculture is central to emerging market economies. In Africa it accounts for as much as 65 percent of employment and 32 percent of output. Globally, two-thirds of the world’s poor - some 750 million...
As interest grows in results-based financing (RBF), the need for reliable verification systems intensifies. Independent verification is a key component of OBA, which links the disbursement of funds to...
On May 18, 1971, the World Bank approved its first loan for pollution control. The loan was approved for the Sao Paulo Water Supply and Pollution Control projects to improve the water supply and sewerage...
Multidimensional measures of poverty have become standard as complementary indicators of poverty in many countries. Multidimensional poverty calculations typically comprise three indices: the multidimensional...
Tajikistan is highly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of global climate change, as it already suffers from low agricultural productivity, water stress, and high losses from disasters. Public awareness...
The Pension Reform Implementation Support Technical Assistance (PRISTA) is a World Bank- executed US$5.8 million grant to the Government of Iraq (GOI), which was formally launched in February 2010. PRISTA...
This paper is a distillation of the findings of the work undertaken by the World Bank. It is deliberately not a collation of case studies, but rather a practical overview of the subject. The purpose of...
In 2010, 93 transport projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closure in 16 low- and middle-income countries, involving investment commitments (hereafter investments) of US$28.3...
In the past two decades, there has been a growing engagement between development and human rights practitioners and thinkers. But are participants in this dialogue still mainly talking past each other?...
The impact of climate change is increasingly important for the design, construction, and maintenance of water sector infrastructure. Average global temperatures are on the rise, causing cycles of extreme...
Chapter two of this report provides a basic overview of the talent pool in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR): where centers headquarters are located, the number of staff...
This second annual country portfolio evaluation report provides a synthesis of the main conclusions and recommendations of three countries portfolio evaluations finalized in fiscal year 2009, those for...
This brief is based on the key messages of a conference held on January 23, 2009 at the World Bank to review the state of the art on 'agriculture and climate change, investing now for a productive and...
The public-private partnership (PPP) for the national water utility of Cote d'Ivoire is the oldest and largest water PPP in the developing world. In place since 1960 and today serving more than 7 million...
Le partenariat public-privé (PPP) pour l’exploitation de la société nationale de distribution d’eau de Côte d’Ivoire est le PPP pour l’eau le plus ancien et le plus important du monde en développement...
China's remarkable economic performance over the last 30 years resulted from reforms that met the specific conditions of China at any point in time. Starting with a heavily distorted and extremely poor...